I FINALLY found an easy way to clean stains off natural stone, concrete and much more!
My husband put in these natural stone steps a few years ago. They looked great the first year but slowly stained with moss, mildew, berries, leaves and everything Mother Nature left on them.
I tried different solutions I’d found on the internet–scrubbing, rinsing etc. but nothing brought back the original look.
I finally called an old friend who is a master stone mason. He recommended using a pressure washer.
My sister owns an arsenal of “must have” tools so she loaned us this gas powered unit. You can rent pressure washers, too, if you don’t want to invest in one. A good one costs around $500. If you’re lucky, a friend or relative will loan you one!
When we used the pressure washer on the stained steps, the transformation was instant! With no effort the stains and dirt just washed away. (Be warned–you need to be careful not to spray too close to your siding. The high pressured stream of water can damage it.)
It took about 15 minutes to clean the steps and they looked like new when they were finished.
We decided to try the pressure washer on a few other things, too. The washer has five different nozzles that switch up the angle and pressure–depending on the job you’re doing.
We pressured washed the fence to prep it for paint. That was SO much easier than scraping.
We moved on to the basement storm windows. The pressure washer removed all the loose paint. Again, no need to scrape.
Finally, we tried it out on the car. Another awesome score.
I’m thrilled with the way the steps turned out and it was great to get so many other household projects done in one day. Plus, I got to return the pressure washer to my sister, no charge for the rental and I don’t have to store it. Win/win/win!
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